Stirling Corner A1/A411 roundabout dangerous cycle route

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Added by JonC

Stirling Corner is the roundabout where the A411 (Barnet Lane / Barnet Road linking Borehamwood to Barnet) crosses the A1 and it also provides access to a separate service road with various retail outlets. The A1 is a 50 mph, 6-lane dual carriageway and this is the last roundabout before the A1M.

There is an at grade, circular pedestrian & cyclist route around the entire roundabout, which crosses each of the 5 arms via refuges in the middle of each. On the west side, the A1 cycle route uses part of this circular cycle route to cross two arms of the roundabout. Speed, volume and unpredictability of traffic makes using most parts of this circular cycle route extremely hazardous.

It is a high volume roundabout with up to 4 lanes of traffic and traffic flow is partially controlled by traffic lights at 2 places on the roundabout and at 2 entry points (see diagram). There are no traffic lights on the west or north sides.

At the two entry points controlled by lights (A1 northbound & A411 westbound) there is no ‘green man’ light to assist pedestrians or cyclists.

The most dangerous crossing points are the two 3-lane exits from the roundabout serving the A1. A possible safer east-west route would be to take pedestrians/cyclists via the centre of the roundabout, making use of the existing traffic lights (and converting them to Toucan).


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